Health: 6 Harmful Effects of Coca Cola (Coke) & Pepsi

A glass of cold water can be less attractive but is much healthier and better choice in terms of survival. It is always better to prevent than to cure.

1) Caffeine, Sugar and Aspartame:
These products are invariably present within the sweetened soft drinks. Coca Cola and Pepsi have been under lawsuits in some of the developed countries against using Aspartame which causes several diseases. Children should be strictly restricted from consuming products with Aspartame. Furthermore, caffeine and sugar are very addictive leading to another set of diseases like diabetes and a life-long habit of inducing caffeine in the body.

2) Kidney Failures:
The sweet sugar is definitely not the reason for a failing kidney but the artificial sweeteners are. Hence consuming Diet versions of Coca Cola or Pepsi have proved to produce more impairment than the sweet versions.

3) Metabolism Level Decreases: 
A glass of warm water can speed up you metabolic rate but may taste awful after a workout session. A can of Coke can surely be tasty but it really decreases the metabolism and helps in destroying the fat burning enzymes in no time. Thus a can of either Diet Coke or simple Coca Cola after a rigorous workout or busy day is strictly not advisable.

4) Obesity and Diabetes: 
Obesity was never a major problem when Coca Cola or similar products were not introduced. But with an advent of these products, a major portion of the population is turning obese which includes children and teenagers.
Obesity is the root of diseases that affect heart, lungs, and kidney. Researches have also been proving that obesity may be a cause to trigger cancer cells.
Similarly, patients with diabetes must never touch beverages like Coke or Pepsi since it increases level of sugar in blood by twofold. Non-diabetic persons should avoid these drinks in order to keep diabetes away.

5) Teeth and Bone Damage: 
The pH level of Coke or Pepsi is 3.2 which are quite high. This pH level decides the acidic nature of a liquid. Hence these beverages are acidic in nature and can dissolve bones and enamels very quickly.

6) Reproduction problems:
A research has shown that the cans of Coke or Pepsi are coated with such chemicals that may lead to reproduction problems with regular consumption.

Have you ever wondered exactly what these beverages do to your health after consumption?


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