Health Benefits of Avocado Seeds

Do Not Throw the Avocado Seeds Because They Fight Cancer.
The avocado is a super fruit full of nutrients. A lot of people still do not know that and remove the seeds straight into the garbage bin. But, do not make this waste, it will be useful.

Other fruit seeds are not as healthy, but this one is cyanide free. These seeds have tannins or a common polyphenol in the green tea and red wine. The tannins can be toxic just a bit, but for that you have to ingest abnormal amount that would get flushed in the bathroom before it is reached the negative result.
In a study of 2013 of the Scientific World Journal, experts stated that this seed extract less than 250 mg/kg is perfect and safe.

Every good nutrient is In avocado seeds
This study confirmed that the seeds have 70% of the antioxidants and polyphenols too from the green tea. Also you get healthy oils and fibers. The avocado flesh was studied a lot for the cardio organ health and it was positive for the benefit to the blood lipids.
It also has potassium that makes the pressure normal and the flesh of avocado gives you lutein for inflammation and oxidation stress.

No cancer – the phenols are chemical and natural items in many plants and this is the case with avocado and seeds. Those seeds have many polyphenols and flavonoids, glycosides, flavanol monomers and even hydroxycinnamic acid too. Experts said due to the procyandin A timer, 3-O-caffeoylquinic acid and the 3-O-p-coumaroylquinic acid everything is controlled. All these diminish cancer and are antioxidants that keep the liver health. These seeds also can cure myeloid leukemia in lab tests.

Cardio health – the avocado seed is great for the heart. In every clinical test there was a vasorelaxing reaction in the aorta vessels meaning the vessel was relaxed. LDL bad cholesterol was reduced and triglycerides were not increased or HDL lowered.

Better digestion – it was known for a long time that fibers are crucial for good digesting and cancer prevention too. The avocado has 4.6 g fiber and daily is best to have 6-8 g fiber. Malhotra College said healing wounds, analgesic work and anti-ulcer effects are recorded. Have this extract and speed healing in ulcers.

Immunity – those same polyphenols boost the immunity and reduce inflammation. It even showed improving in arthritis too, so this seed is like antibiotic in a way; kills fungi too and viruses, so the immunity is optimally boosted.

No wrinkles – the oxidative stress makes the skin age faster and worse, but this seed has antioxidants and stops premature wrinkles. Those polyphenols reduce UV inflammation of skin and make more apoptosis in every tumor cell as far as UV cancer goes. The oils of these seeds make more collagen.

How are seeds eaten?
This is simple you will see. Remove fruit and seeds apart and get a ziplock bag. Get a blunt item to crush the seeds in the bag and consider even adding this pulp to make smoothies. Or cut this in quarts with a knife, then get the blender  and make smoothie.
The taste is going to be sharp or strong, so add kale, berries, pineapple, spinach for more aroma.

The smoothie of avocado seed– simple!
You need:
1 cup coconut milk
½ cup avocado seed
1 pear ripe, chopped
½ apple, chopped
½ avocado
1 cup raw spinach
Blend everything in a blender and add some ice or frozen fruits (mango, melons, berries)


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