Medicinal Benefit Of Cherry

The African cherry is a seasonal fruit that dominates the streets at the onset of harmattan in Nigeria.

Do you know eating cherry, including the skin, leaves and seed have been proven to be medicinal?
Cherry is a healthy fruit like other fruits and vegetables. Cherries have anthocyanins in the skin.

Cherry is scientifically proven to act like anti- inflammatory drugs on enzymes and offers potential health effect on painful muscles and sports injuries.

This makes it a powerful anti-oxidants.
It is also a good source of copper, with small amount of zinc, iron, manganese, and potassium that are important for body fluids and regulating blood pressure.

Cherries provide us with 5% of our daily required Vitamin A and C. It has calcium that strengthens the bones and teeth. Its ascorbic acid is higher than that in orange and guava. It has melatonin that helps to ease the brain, calm nervous irritability, relieves insomnia and even headaches.
It also serves as natural source of anti-oxidant booster that fights free radicals in the body. It reduces premenstrual cramps, eases hunger pain and stomach bloating.

Research also has it that the anti-oxidant in cherries helps fight cancer, ageing, neurological diseases and even pre-diabetes condition. It contains low fat and is high in fiber that aids digestion which makes it ideal for weight watchers.

Research has also shown that the leaves help in reducing glucose level in diabetics, thereby, serving the same function as insulin.
It can also be used to treat tooth abscess, hypertension, intestinal issues and some forms of cancer.
The seeds may also be used to reduce fever and diarrhea & also used for local games.

Cherries are, energy boosters when eaten between meals because it has 15g of carbohydrate.
Fresh ripe cherries are best enjoyed cold when rinsed with cold water.

NOTE: All medicinal use of the leaves and seeds should be under the watchful eyes of an expert.


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