TSUJ: Geography First Semester Past Questions GEO201 & GEO203 (2015/2016)

(GEO201) Instruction: Answer 3 Questions.

1a. Write a brief note on spartial interaction
1b. With an example of two location of your choice, explain the basis for interaction

2a. Discuss thhe consequential determinism for the exchange of ideas, people, goods and service
2b. What is gravity concept in spatial organization of the society?

3a. Explain the following
3b. With the aid diagram describe the law of retail gravitational?

4a. List 4 barriers to interaction and explain
4b. With relevant examples explain how the use of technology can overcome the aforementioned barriers

5a. Discuss the concept of migration
5b. Write short note on (i)Contagious diffusion (ii)Hierarchical diffusion

(GEO203) Instrustions: Answer 3 Questions

1a. Define Geomorphology
1b. Explain the meaning and scope of Geomorphology
1c. What are the uses of Geomorphology

2a. What is mass movement of wasting
2b. Discuss briefly the factors of mass wasting
2c. List the term denudation

3a. Define term denudation
3b. Discuss the factors affecting denudation
3c. Explain the sequence

4a. What is soil geography
4b. Attempt to explain the concept of soil geography
4b. List the function of soil

5.   List and discuss the factor of soil formation


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